Sacred Seasonal Circles
Come gather with us in a supportive and sacred Circle space to engage in learnings, rituals and connections to honor the magic of the changing seasons and to move more intentionally with the rhythms of nature. As part of this offering, we'll explore the ancient traditions associated with The Wheel of the Year and its cycle of seasonal holidays.
As a group, we'll engage in breathwork, mindfulness and shared conversations and learnings related to the themes of each seasonal shift. We'll partake in rituals that uplift the symbolism of each nature based holiday while noticing the magic of the energetic shifts - within us and around us - that come with the changing tides of each season.
To make it all the more intimate, we'll meet in Chelsea's backyard - located on the east side of Lake Nokomis. Each Circle will start at 6:30pm and we'll end to aim as close to 8:30pm as possible (although sometimes the Circle doesn't adhere to strict timelines so it may be that we occasionally run a little over our scheduled end time).
We'll meet:
- Wednesday, May 1st for our May Day / Beltane Circle
- Thursday, June 20th for our Summer Solstice / Litha Circle
- Thursday, August 1st for our Lughnasadh Circle
- Sunday, September 22nd for our Autumn Equinox / Mabon Circle
- Wednesday, October 30th for our Samhain Circle (to honor the Samhain on October 31st)
Cost: $200 for the series
Email to get registered!